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Maths resources for teaching, CPD and backed up by research and over 30 years experience.




Maths resources for teaching, CPD and backed up by research and over 30 years experience.
41a CAT4 staff presentation for CPD (pdf)

41a CAT4 staff presentation for CPD (pdf)

A pdf of a 17 slide PowerPoint that provides main themes surrounding CAT4 assessment tasks. CAT4 assessments consist of verbal reasoning – thinking with words; quantitative reasoning – thinking with numbers; non-verbal reasoning – thinking with shapes and spatial ability – thinking with shape and space. Many schools use CAT4 to provide ‘predictions’ for GCSE results. The pdf provides an introduction to CAT4 assessments. The normal distribution curve is outlined and the realtionship with stanines and standard age scores and how they are derived from raw scores. The important visual-spatial dynamic of CAT4 is dealt with in detail. Finally, caution is raised when using assessments to label students and create self-fulfilling narratives. The PowerPoint is available with important animation which aids understanding and presentation. It can be downloaded here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13070120
14c Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2021 (pdf)

14c Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2021 (pdf)

New Specification (2021). Legacy specification pdf can be accessed here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12406826 To be used alongside Teachers PowerPoint (see link below for ppt) The aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of the benefits and different purposes presentations have, as well as develop the skills needed to give a presentation. This includes preparing, delivering and reviewing a presentation. Teachers PowerPoint version can be accessed here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12632919 If you use it please review.
14b Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2018 (ppt)

14b Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2018 (ppt)

Legacy Specification (2018). The Prince’s Trust has updated the specification. The new ppt version can be found at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12632919 To be used alongside Student Booklet (see link for free pdf below) The aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of the benefits and different purposes presentations have, as well as develop the skills needed to give a presentation. This includes preparing, delivering and reviewing a presentation. Free pdf version can be accessed here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12406826 If you use it please review.
14d Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2021 (ppt)

14d Prince's Trust Presentation Skills Level 2 Student Booklet vers 2021 (ppt)

New Specification (2021). Legacy specification ppt can be accessed here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12632737 To be used alongside Student Booklet (see link for free pdf below) The aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of the benefits and different purposes presentations have, as well as develop the skills needed to give a presentation. This includes preparing, delivering and reviewing a presentation. Free pdf version can be accessed here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12632916 If you use it please review.
41b CAT4 staff presentation for CPD (ppt)

41b CAT4 staff presentation for CPD (ppt)

A 17 slide PowerPoint that provides main themes surrounding CAT4 assessment tasks. CAT4 assessments consist of verbal reasoning – thinking with words; quantitative reasoning – thinking with numbers; non-verbal reasoning – thinking with shapes and spatial ability – thinking with shape and space. Many schools use CAT4 to provide ‘predictions’ for GCSE results. The ppt provides an introduction to CAT4 assessments. The normal distribution curve is outlined and the realtionship with stanines and standard age scores and how they are derived from raw scores. The important visual-spatial dynamic of CAT4 is dealt with in detail. Finally, caution is raised when using assessments to label students and create self-fulfilling narratives. A free pdf is available and can be downloaded here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13070115